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  1. S

    Exp, Loots, etc

    Hello guys. Well, how you know this is a open beta and its to check all, find bugs, balance pokes, exp, loots, etc, etc, etc. Then, playing I check and concluded some things about it: 1. Some pokemons loots are too cheap (like bulb is only 237 and squirtle hull is 2120dollars while a dragon...
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    [Open-Beta] Bugs Recopilation.

    Some pokes exp are unbalanced, like: Bulbassaur-> 3 - 4k and Charmander -> 1,5 - 2,5k Tangela -> 4k and ivyssaur -> 10k and some others.. Maybe review many of them will be good. Cya, //Skulls
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    Ryuku Loko Topic Muha?

    lol, since he is a good player and have more time than other guys. but i think pokemon gloom is the best bug of the server hmm, gloom, bug.. i think there is an error.. AHSUEHAUSEHU
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    Ryuku Loko Topic Muha?

    AUSEHAUSEHUS he is a monster oO
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    Distant Attacks and Pokemon Buyer[Npc], and some things.

    Magnemite and gastly meelee are bugged. Agree with NPC buyer, i think they will do it.. Dont agree with stone seller, only stone buyer.. a npc to sell stones will fuck the game market, stones are rare and difficult to find and its good. They are doing quests, buts not all done yet. //Skulls
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    Fairbanks Bug Reports

    Not a bug, if u kill some pokes with horsea but he died before u finish kill and, then, u kill with another poke horsea gets exp but dont evolve..
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    Staff mistake and all chamander respaw disappear. Wait and be patient it will be fix soon cya, //Skulls
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    I agree.. Need the outfit name to buy it ;x Cya, //Skulls
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    Fairbanks Bug Reports

    Why? only appear the attack area, u dont attack it really.. I dont see problem -.- The same occurred with players pokemons //Skulls
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    It was already suggested and Will be implanted. Be patient and wait.. new game-channels will be created! Cya, //Skulls (someone can close this please?)
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    Map marks

    Woah. I know all the map, but I really like this suggestion! agree +1 xD Nice //Skulls
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    QUest fail

    Quest are not 100% yet. They are doing all. //Skulls
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    About catching system..

    No agree... Its no sense catch and gain exp :S My opinion, //Skulls
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    Fairbanks Bug Reports

    Its not a bug. U cant hit it.. only appear the attack area :O //Skulls
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    [Open Beta] Daxervy Bugs

    If is the catched bells, you cant use the bellsprout because he is 47, u are 35.. 12 level of difference.. Max = 10. You can attack players pokemons with spells and players but dont decrease any hp, its not a bug. //Skulls
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    Birthday of Darude .:Congratulations:.

    Happy birthday Darude! How old? o/ Congratz //Skulls
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    [Closed-Beta][Last 3 days] Bugs

    I reported it.. no only fire blast.. all spells like fire blast do this: sand attack, hydro cannon, whirlwind, anothers.. When the poke move they go to a wrong direction =/ ' //Skulls
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    How I arrive Here? :S

    Lol? u only can teleport to cities, no to any place ;x //Skulls is fly xD
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    OH I forgot! AHUSEASHUEhu sorry.. fail i use normal tibia MC.. xD OMG Then, u cant! xD //Skulls
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    Pokeball Catch Statistics by No Chyba Tak.

    Darkhaos +1.. NCT will try arcanine with normal pb and will catch it in first ball No sctatistc ;/ ASUESAHe //Skulls