
Search results

  1. R

    Anti Hack System!

    Well i have an idea about Anti-Hack: When you conect the first time in the Game a system going to ask you to put a PIN, that PIN going to use every time when you conect in to PA, that PIN must be contain 6 numbers or letters. Its like an Account Manager System, You CANT! move when you try to...
  2. R

    A Crazy Day

    This day got some crazy, Box's Event (3-4 Boxes) and other thinks like Mew =). If you have more screens of this days post it and i will add.
  3. R

    Secrets In Rook Island

    Well.. my bro goes to try find some secrets in rook and he discovered this: Squirtle in rook (But cant catch whit the first ball T.T):
  4. R

    Idea For Train System

    I have an idea for the Train System. I think is better if in the train station put a "Ticket Machine", when you click on it you get a ticket, put a cost (Maybe 100-200dlls/ticket) and one NPC Guardian (Like Pokemon Silver Game). You need to give the ticket to the npc and he get you to the...
  5. R

    Una idea para pasar el tiempo!

    Se me hiso buena que alguien creara un channel en Xat para poder estar informados y platicar con los miembros de PA y sus Staffs por ahora yo no tengo tiempo de crearlo hasi que si todos aceptan me gustaria que alguien lo pudiera crear y espero y que los staff hagan un chanel para personas que...
  6. R

    Encuesta: Formas De Evolucionar

    Bueno pues quiero sacarme de dudas y la verdad me gustaria que los Pokes evolucionaran a sierto nivel pero "Automaticamente". Ejemplo: Pidgey (Al Nvl 20 se hace pidgeotto) Cuando alcanse el nivel 20 automaticamente y sin decir ningun comando evolucione. Se me hace muy mal poner un comando para...
  7. R

    Pokemon Sprites (Items)

    Pokeballs: Items (1° Part): Items (2° Part): Items (3° Part)...
  8. R


    Hi People! I Want To Presents Myself! Im A Big Poke Fanatic And I Want To Play This Game Because I Think Is A Terrific Idea! And The Best Part Is: This Proyect Is Spanish! =3 Well People... Say Your Opinion! BB