
Recent content by phibrizzo

  1. phibrizzo

    Daily login system

    99% of this tasks are fail. 80 lvl char without premium get Hydrogerions. good luck with doing it. most of this tasks are just too hard without 200+ lvl.
  2. phibrizzo

    Christmas Event 2020

  3. phibrizzo

    Current exclusive mega stones

    ALL OF THIS POKEMON WERE IN AVAILABLE IN GAME: AUDINO - EVENT ( U WAS TOO LAZY ) HOUNDOOM - PVP EVENT GLAILE - FORMER WINTER EVENTS ( STILL U WAS TOO LAZY) All of this pokemon is too new for spawn and mega system is a little weird right now. when u get rewards for cards u will get 2x voucher so...
  4. phibrizzo

    test room

    nope, mega aggron doesnt exist herE. ITS IN files but still nope.
  5. phibrizzo

    Fishing Guru doesn't want to give me Super Rod

    hi>mission>yes>yes npc doesnt answer but u get rod.
  6. phibrizzo

    Szanowni Maniacy. [LT]

    Finally a little of luck in my game. Last step in my charizard family. 16:19 You caught a pokemon (Elder Charizard [82]). But you are already holding six Pokemon, your Pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon center!
  7. phibrizzo

    [Recovery] Shiny charm and Amulet lost by the rollback

    Lend for more^^ items cant be recovered.
  8. phibrizzo


    its useless because u have reflect on moveset and psyblast is cheap ( its not lunge or snarl ) and its good enough for play.
  9. phibrizzo

    [Support] Player

    restart your comp and run second version of client as admin. idk why but it helps xD
  10. phibrizzo


    they cant... if they do that serv will be closed in months because they wont earn for servers
  11. phibrizzo


    for new? a lot of people play without many profits. i exp 3-4 hours daily now and get 1-1,5k hd\lvl (4hours) if u arent lucky enough for drop something u must spend about 100 hours on resp to get next premium. yes now daily helps a loot for players who cant play that much or just are poor but if...
  12. phibrizzo


    ok, why u want make this one for gosts\psycho spawns... if this should be update u shouldnt improve pokes for current best spawns.. THIS IS ICE POKEMON. pulling with ice pokemons who're focused on slows is strange. I would like to see froslass ice again. my option is : p-shadows (like a...
  13. phibrizzo

    Some respaws need a upgrade

    now Every noob spawns have 400k exp\h so way to 200 is easy as fuck its just 3-4 hours per lvl without tickets. but agree with 190 fly\electric that spawns are just too big if they want they can do 4 respawn in this map with same exp.
  14. phibrizzo

    Flame Blitz

    but flame blitz its really good one, now everyone want tornado so small range isnt problem.
  15. phibrizzo


    charizard 38300 4 20000 28000 chanderule 42000 5 27400 35400 camerupt 37700 4 20900 28900 houndoom 36100 4 22400 30400 rapidash 37000 4 21600 29600 magmar 21550 2 10000 18000 flareon 37300 3 18600 26300 buff torkoal 35700 3 19000 24700 heat rotom 36100 4 21000 29000 arcanine 37000 3...