
Recent content by Perusionek

  1. P

    New year's forgiveness

    Perusion apr 10 2021 I helped my friend to log in to game ----------------------------------------------- Gero idk being too real and honest with people
  2. P

    New year's forgiveness

    Perusion Apr 10 2021, 08:45:10 BST i helped my friend to log in to game :cool:
  3. P

    [Ban Appeal] Unfairly deleted

    Can someone tell me for what i got delete? https://prnt.sc/11908s1 Nick Perusion Dobry server btw
  4. P


    To debil
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    [Sell] Mega voucher

    6OOk ........
  6. P

    Pokemon Skills

    Could add minning to Claydol?
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    Groch & Tsots Daily TMs

    Perusion 80k
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    [Sell] Sell Mega Voucher

    500k pure cash
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    Groch & Tsots Daily TMs

    Perusion TM010 TM024 TM047 TM048 TM083 TM123 TM108 TM134 TM013
  10. P

    Make spam here

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    [Recovery] Rollback Problemos

    amigao bumpao
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    [Recovery] Rollback Problemos

    bump amigao
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    [Recovery] Rollback Problemos

    Ola amigos, i lost 6 giftos on rollback. Gifts sent by Nuni Perusion Diamond
  14. P

    Sell absolite

    800k in cash
  15. P

    Sell absolite

    Accept blazikenite? :)