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  • double exp para pokes ?
    nossaaa manoo tudo o que eu queria ahha vo aproveitar muito pra up aero xD
    eae meu lindaao vc ta bem ? <3
    Eu queria donatar pelo PayPal mas nao sei se esta havendo problemas com ele ultimamente porque houve varios erros com outros players que tiveram que esperar mais que uma semana, é que eu preciso dos diamonds urgentemente.
    Sabe alguma coisa? Qualquer informaçao será necessária.

    hello obreviate, i want to ask you the main reason why my post, my last post was closed? there is no strong reason to do that, i think GM midnight is acting like alex's friend or ozai's friend. He is brazilian and doesnt have an Idea of the problems we have with alex on pearl (latinos). This isnt exactly personal but most of latin top players and recognized people think the same that i post, and that's why they all gave me his support, why a supported post would be closed just because ex gm midnight want, he isnt in game since 3 months ago, he just dont know anything of the last 3 months.. so please tell an moderador if can open it again, people here deserve to give a comment, and read that information ...this is unfair for me and community, why defend a scammer? my friends in pa told me hey they close your post, how bad ... i think this is bad ... it reflects what is happening here maybe.

    eu nao vou apagar nada ,não tenho vergonha de voce *---* kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk s2
    é nois meu parçaa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk verdade mano ate lançar o client novo vaai ter vaaaaarios bugs :S

    eu to beem tbm meu parça , mas to sem pc mano u,u aquela merda ta zuada denovo kkkkk

    cara eu gostei dos seus pokes em , to afim de arrumar um c toise tbm , se voce souber alguem que venda me avisa s2 kkk xD
    Pode explicar porque nao tenho os novos graficos? Ja fiz download daqueles links que o Jano deu :(
    Obg :)
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