
Recent content by laertizinhu

  1. L

    [Support] Lost Lottery Number

    I donated 60 points, won 2 lottery tickets, exchanged tickets for lottery numbers, 232 and 383, I went to check now if my name was there on the lottery page and it wasn't
  2. L

    2nd PA Car Racing Tournament

    laertizinhu diamond
  3. L

    [Lottery] Khormes Casino

    how long will this lottery stay?
  4. L

    [Sell] [Lanakila] Bigger House

    110k laertizinhu
  5. L

    Birthday Lottery

    https://prnt.sc/vt69gs Laertizinhu diamond
  6. L

    10 Elder Charizards(CHALLENGE)

    115360 Laertizinhu
  7. L

    Halloween Tournament!

    hi there, the X on the side of the rules, does it mean that they were extinct?
  8. L

    Halloween Tournament!

    laertizinhu diamond
  9. L

    [Sell] Poipole(Lower evo of Naganadel) Auction

    320k laertizinhu
  10. L

    [Sell] Poipole(Lower evo of Naganadel) Auction

    Let this end, and i buy this poke from you. :4:
  11. L

    [Sell] Poipole(Lower evo of Naganadel) Auction

    280k Laertizinhu
  12. L

    [Sell] Poipole(Lower evo of Naganadel) Auction

    220k Laertizinhu
  13. L


    The absol cannot learn snarl, but looking at bulbapedia it is possible to teach him by TM, could this TM be added for him to learn.
  14. L

    Shop sacred

    Buy Naganadel msg me in game Laertizinhu :p
  15. L

    [Sell] Meowth Bait
