
Recent content by keeevbt

  1. K

    [Support] Me acabo de fijas que estoy borrado

    Yo entraba pero no jugaba, no tenía tiempo para subir niveles ni nada, sólo entraba para subir mi número en el pokedex. Por favor reconsidere mi borrado, nunca tuve problemas en el juego, tenía buenos pones y era buen jugador.
  2. K

    [Support] Me acabo de fijas que estoy borrado

    Hola a todos. Mucho tiempo alejado del juego, por cuestión de trabajo y otros asuntos, co la situación de la pandemia estuve volviendo a otros pasatiempos y trate de entrar en el juego y me dice "account or password" incorrect" intento recuperar y me dice que mi email no está registrado, estuve...
  3. K

    Sklep gildyjny Uwaga Policja

    I am interesed in swinub. Offer plx.
  4. K

    Children's Day lottery

    Jahganattha Pearl
  5. K

    [Donation] i dont get diamonds

    Bumpdo u need more information?
  6. K

    [Donation] i dont get diamonds

    Name: cegaa World: perla Method: paygol Date: almost a month i change the points on Shop and put the name "jahganattha" but dont got the diamonds. PD: cambie los puntos en la pagina de shop desde la cuenta de cegaa para entregarselos a jahganattha pero no nos dieron los diamond. Done por...
  7. K

    [Donation] i dont get diamonds

    i bought 10 diamond from cegaa account to delivery to jahganattha but i dont get the diamond and the points get discounted. plx answer me. thanks
  8. K

    jahganattha's shop

    Add buy vaporeon max lvl 80. U offer
  9. K

    jahganattha's shop

    I am buying this for now. Buy: Cloned Butterfree max lvl 85. Tm thunder Tangrowth max lvl 85 Sell: Nothing for now Msg me here on this thread or msg in Pearl to "jahganattha" or "peerla"
  10. K

    About Diamonds

    I am sure that this problem can be solved if the donations method are fixed. I am from venezuela and i am trying to donate and i cant. I have like 2 months trying and i cant. I am free account because i cant pay 600hd each diamond. So plx fix the donations methods as soon as u can. Thanks and...
  11. K

    what happend with paygol venezuela?

    I have like one and a half month tryig to make donations from venezuela at paygol method and i cant get it. I need make donations to be vip player. Ty. Srry about my poor english.
  12. K

    [Donation] PayGol From Venezuela

    Bro are u sure about that? Bro estas seguro de eso? Yo intente movilnet y no pude pero no se me ocurrió intentar con digitel o movista. Por favor confirmame.
  13. K


    Hello i am Jahganattha from pearl. I have some achievements done but i dont get the reward. What can i do? I have the next ones: Pokemon researcher lvl 5 (250 dex). Amateur player (1 year playing) An alternative suit (add any addon to pokemon) Some friend have some similar problems too. I...
  14. K


    I am trying but the text message said error. Plx i need to donate. Yo estoy intentando y dice error. Por favor yo necesito donar.
  15. K

    PAdventures New Year's Lottery!

    Jahganattha Pearl