
Recent content by Jhonnyot

  1. J


    I'm certain my ISP has absolutely no problem, since I also play other games hosted in the US/Europe without any problem. Since you're already working on it, all I can do is wait. Thanks.
  2. J


    I'm from Brazil, koob.
  3. J


    Well, I've noticed that my char on Pearl keeps getting kicked for absolutely no reason, the game just freezes and I get kicked. It happened 3 times in 10 minutes and I died on the third. I'd like to know how can I solve this problem. Thanks in advance. Jhonny.
  4. J

    Would you like an account on the pre beta test?

    Tried to revive one of my pokes, got a debug, now it crashes everytime i log in the account...
  5. J

    Panini, Virtual Sticker Album!

    I completed my album a few days ago, and Julio César was my first sticker, :P
  6. J

    Items for pokemon.!

    Not the best sprites, really, but keep practicing. Xampy is evil o.o.
  7. J

    Hello there.

    Hello, I'm Jhonny, from Brazil, and quite a while ago I realized this project is way better than PokemonOnlineBR. Att. Jhonny.