
Recent content by ItzMattek

  1. ItzMattek

    [Recovery] Recover my old account

    I decided to back that game but I don't know anymore my e-mail adress and password... I just have recover key and login, and is it possible to recover it ? Pleas help me with that if it's possible
  2. ItzMattek

    Desktop wallpapers ;D

  3. ItzMattek

    Lost my cloned pidgeot lvl 108 in love ball

    You should write something about: last use this pokemon, TMs and if possible how you get it... Itwould help to recover your pome by CM or other from support
  4. ItzMattek

    Unfair Ban!

    @Billy~ Imma with ya... @Obrevllicker~ In my opinion you are just another guy that tryin' to be promoted via licking their asses... Good Job ! Maybe you will give as any proof that you are worth to be tutor ? O.o
  5. ItzMattek

    Season change event

    20:24 You received a pokemon (Lotad [30]). But you are already holding six Pokemon, your Pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon center!
  6. ItzMattek

    [Poradnik] Season change event

    a gdzie te munchlaxy wgl sie respia/pojawiaja? W sumie mam jeszcze czas bo dopiero Epidemic robie :p
  7. ItzMattek

    Dead Penalty and some fixes

    Stop cryin and play more carefully... High level players lose more exp than 80-90 lvl... cuz it's only 2% but guys pleas stop cry !! I know that go to Mr. Eko and change residence is easiest way to be in other city/exp hunts but thats your choice: fast to come or slower but without losing...
  8. ItzMattek

    Season change event

    I hope the last one mission will not be much more harder than these before... Cuz I guess players wasted alot of time for now xd
  9. ItzMattek

    Question - Event Day 5 (Epidemic)

    Thanks alot dudes !! @Theard can be closed.
  10. ItzMattek

    [Poradnik] Season change event

    A ze zapytam... Jezeli chodzi o zmiane pozycji to chyba nie znajda sie na innych wyspach niz te wymienione wyzej czyli wylacznie gdzies na ice i water islandach ?
  11. ItzMattek

    Question - Event Day 5 (Epidemic)

    Do i need premmy to access that ice and water island ?
  12. ItzMattek

    Question - Event Day 5 (Epidemic)

    Where i can find Nurse Joy for that patt of event and wheres these "sick pokes" are licated ? Can someone explain me it ? Thanks anyway...
  13. ItzMattek


    Sorry i was retired for about 1 month.... I will edit first post when i back from work tonight Thanks alot for your reply
  14. ItzMattek

    Tiny Suggestion for broken economy

    I think death penalty is good idea, cuz here will people be more careful to go any exp spot than it was before... But in my opinion that 2% is too small amount... It should be about 15%+ for each death... but anyway they should make a way to get faster to Johto from Kanto and traveling between...
  15. ItzMattek

    [Buy] Looking for few things....

    *B*ring *U*p *M*y *P*ost