
Recent content by Alprodek

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    Rebalance Discussions

    Please rebalance volbeat, I consider that he is very weak and his movement speed is a joke to be a winged pokemon. thank you so much.
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    PA Valentine Drawing Contest 2016

    Player: Sir Silecner World: Diamond Thanks
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    PA Valentine Drawing Contest 2016

    Player: Alprodek World: Diamond Thanks
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    Un team pokemon para lvlup y otro para duelos

    Hola a todos, abro este post por que me gustaría saber su opinion sobre sus pokemons preferidos para estar lvlup y sus pokes favorito para duelos y de igual manera su opinión sobre los pokes que ustedes creen que están en el olvido y los que sienten op. Hago este pos por que no se si exista ya...
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    Pokemon Skills

    Agree, add fly to yanmega please
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    Make spam here

    spam veinte
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    Make spam here

    spam diecinueve
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    Make spam here

    spam dieciocho
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    Make spam here

    spam diecisiete
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    Make spam here

    spam dieciséis
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    Make spam here

    spam quince
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    Make spam here

    spam catorce
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    Make spam here

    spam trece
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    Make spam here

    spam doce
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    Make spam here

    spam once