
Recent content by alek

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    Nm, chillin ;)

    Nm, chillin ;)
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    Team Rocket's New Plan is bullshit.

    Edited the OT since I was pretty pissed when I made it, and to be quite frank, the NPC "directions" are "take it to the electric island" not very useful at all. Anyway, I don't think you read it or understood what I said, I didn't randomly use it on a random place of the map, I went to the...
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    Team Rocket's New Plan is bullshit.

    Team Rocket's New Plan So, I spend 3 hours hunting ampharos looting the tails, and more than 2 hours harvesting the apricorns and mining the powders, I ask the NPC for the mission, go to the electric island, and when I use the orb on the treasure I die. Now, not only do I die (and therefore...
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    Check your PM's Birdman.

    Check your PM's Birdman.
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    Tengo Debug :/

    1) Vuelve a bajar el cliente e intenta entrar, si eso no funciona: 2) Si eso tampoco funciona: 3) Haz un post en feedback & support con imágenes y resa por que koob lo vea.
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    Jarabe regálame una hoenn box : )

    Jarabe regálame una hoenn box : )
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    Aerodactyl catch rate

    Lady Mawek's aerodactyl was gifted by the staff so it doesn't count. That only leaves Stik's aero, but a lot of people claim he got it as a gift/reward as well. I'm having some doubts about aero being catchable, it might be (extremely) hard to catch, but the game's been running for almost a...
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    If anything porygon needs hp, not a new attack.
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    Stopping For A While

    Give me my lapraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :kappa: We'll talk whenever, your inbox is full, can't pm you.
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    Burning House Quest

    Adding a squirtle with glasses as the reward would be a way better incentive to complete the quest than a regular squirtle. The only reason to do this quest right now is pure boredom because of having literally nothing else to complete (hence why i did it).
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    About Fossil Pokemons

    Kabutops is fine, as mega drain heals it for over 1k each at high levels. Omastar has extremely good defense and high life, a good bubble blast is highly damaging too, but since it depends on luck, I could agree on adding 1 more attack to it.
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    Poke eggs as loot.

    With the current egg system in which only 2 eggs (eevee and kabuto) are valuable, this idea will be pretty useless, specially since eevee can't be found in the wild, and there's only 1 wild kabutops in the map.
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    Important well explained suggestions. Take a look!

    I thoroughly agree with the second idea, and i think the NPC should give the information in several languages (obviously english, portuguese, spanish, polish, and maybe some more), because usually starters that have never played a Tibia based game and that don't speak English have a hard time...
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    valentines event

    Maybe this will get added. ...In October.
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    More Security & Decoration to Houses

    I've always found it stupid that not a single house in this game has a bed. :|