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  1. Raptor

    [Life Thread] Elmemelas

    aka Elmamilas or Elmepelas Following :v
  2. Raptor

    Game TODO List

    Hi, it would be nice and useful if admins could make a thread of a TODO List of future changes/patches, it would bring some improvements: Players would know if they suggestions can be added or just ignored. Players will see the changes in future and they would keep motivated. Players will...
  3. Raptor

    Tiny Suggestion for broken economy

    but at least some random admin could appear on thread and say: "Ok, we will add to our TODO List", that's easy, but no, they just ignore, that's why players prefer to retire
  4. Raptor

    Tiny Suggestion for broken economy

    what happen with this? PA Staff just ignored this suggestion like 99% of another good ideas given by players?
  5. Raptor

    Alguien de Venezuela ha donado por SMS?

    5 puntos son 90 bs, o sea 3 mensajes... Si quieres los diamonds obviamente te sale en casi 2 tablas
  6. Raptor

    Ignore player it doesn't work

    lol no, thanks xD
  7. Raptor

    Ignore player it doesn't work

    Just that, if you enable "Ignore Player" you still get messages from him/her
  8. Raptor

    Dead Penalty and some fixes

  9. Raptor

    Alguien de Venezuela ha donado por SMS?

    ok, gracias hermano
  10. Raptor

    Alguien de Venezuela ha donado por SMS?

    Hola, me gustaría saber si algún venezolano ha donado por SMS (la única forma que tenemos x'D) y si les dió problema, es que pienso donar pero como hace más de un año doné y lo que hice fue perder la plata porque nunca me respondieron y ps... no quiero quedar como esa vez...
  11. Raptor

    New tasks.

    +1 <short>
  12. Raptor

    exp loss when you die complaints

    only 2%, don't cry -.-
  13. Raptor

    Perder exp al morir

    no habia leido lo del 2%, ahora si esta bien
  14. Raptor

    Dead Penalty and some fixes

    lol, i haven't seen Jano's edit... Now is good. Thanks (Y)
  15. Raptor

    Perder exp al morir

    y si no se acostumbran? Se retiran y ya y empieza la pérdida masiva de players nuevamente, es un ciclo que nunca se acaba (aparentemente)
  16. Raptor

    Tiny Suggestion for broken economy

    Agreed all but you have to think about it, because if they make something only obtainable with diamonds is because they want to get profit... But i propose some changes to keep a "balance" 1. Offers between worlds without a fee could be limited, i.e. if a player wants to has more than 3...
  17. Raptor

    Perder exp al morir

    Creo que es una de las peores decisiones que pudieron haber tomado, afortunadamente no soy el único player que piensa igual, deberían poner todo tal cual como estaba antes para evitar que empiecen los retiros masivos nuevamente
  18. Raptor

    Make spam here

    PA Staff just activated the cancer on server... again
  19. Raptor

    Dead Penalty and some fixes

    maybe this is just to add a "bless item" on Gift's shop
  20. Raptor

    Dead Penalty and some fixes

    total exp, i guess