
Search results

  1. Dantizo

    Birthday Lottery

    Dantizo - Diamond Groups Links: https://imgur.com/61BYANH https://imgur.com/imyTUAJ https://imgur.com/vcrNQmc
  2. Dantizo

    Birthday Lottery

    Dantizo - Diamond https://imgur.com/MqEFrbp
  3. Dantizo

    Organized possible Torch places

    Fortree Gym
  4. Dantizo

    Halloween Weekend [Nov. 17~20, 2017]

    I'm waiting for it <3
  5. Dantizo

    Daily Dungeon task.

    I Can't wait for this!
  6. Dantizo

    Global Tournament 2017

    Dantizo \o
  7. Dantizo

    House Contest

    Dantizo Diamond 15:59 You see a closed door. It belongs to house 'Fashion Street #174'. Dantizo owns this house. Position: {x = 3736, y = 3209, z = 6}.
  8. Dantizo

    Bug on Elder Charizard

    Throwing balls.
  9. Dantizo

    Bug on Elder Charizard

    This player is complaint about these bugs in his pokemon. As you can see in prints, elder zard has a normal sprite while flying and his dex its also bugged.
  10. Dantizo

    Market Problems

    Dantizo - Diamond 3 Diamonds, i put an Epicenter.
  11. Dantizo

    Servers shutdown

    It's rare the situation we need to get many hours offline over the weekend. This hardly happens, you have to understand that we are only doing this to improve your gameplay in padventures.
  12. Dantizo

    Close Friends (LT)

    Adoreii essa fofura
  13. Dantizo

    Quest Pokémon level 150 || Poll

    So don't up them until 150.
  14. Dantizo

    Close Friends (LT)

    Oh, I did it again! 17:53 You caught a pokemon (Cloned Vaporeon [41]). But you are already holding six Pokemon, your Pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon center! And Farfetche'd
  15. Dantizo

    Close Friends (LT)

    00:49 You caught a pokemon (Cloned Dewgong [58]). But you are already holding six Pokemon, your Pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon center! Oops... I did it again!
  16. Dantizo

    Close Friends (LT)

    Finally! 2 Big catchs i waited so long
  17. Dantizo

    Newcomer: Come forth for a new adventure!

    A lot of cutie options now <3
  18. Dantizo

    Mini Lottery #April 2016

    Dantizo Diamond.
  19. Dantizo

    Easter lottery 2016

    Dantizo! Diamond
  20. Dantizo

    House Lottery [DIAMOND]
