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  1. P

    [Support] I cant login on PA client

    I have the same problem. Reseting router didn't help. Please take care of it soon.
  2. P

    Suggestions "For a better Padventures"

    I would like to suggest another pokemon rebalance. I bet all of you noticed that all high lvl players use the same pokemons like scizor, steelix etc. ofc i wont include pokemons from events (hoen pokes). After people reach 150 level they mostly duel because there are no new quests to do on...
  3. P

    For a better Padventures.

    I guess people are getting bored of this game because there is nothing new to do after some time. Admins add "new" sprites but its actually copying other games like PxG (i mean last sprite update ofc) it makes you think that someone is working on PA but they didnt put much effort (i guess) into...
  4. P

    PA Client v3.0

    I've seen clients from other games and there you can play with old and new clients depending on which one you want to play, so people with crappy PC or some other problems or just who prefer old client can play on it instead of getting headaches over new one. So please consider it because some...