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  1. G

    ZayPay Problem

    Hey im from mexico and i used to donate via zaypay but this method is no longer available in mexico, can yo put paygol or another mobile payment?? Thanks
  2. G

    Pizza Bugged

    Hey i have some pizzas bugged, i cant eat them, cant move them or throw them. and is waisting a bp slot and sometimes i get confused with the good ones
  3. G

    Item Disappeared

    Hello i had 13k, then a put 10k into a bag (yellow one) i relogged and when i want to take the money to buy a poke it wasnt there. i used ctrl+r to report and a GM told me that i must put the report here. in that yellow backpack is where is supposed to be my money :/. Can u check it ASAP plx i...
  4. G

    Pokemons Missing

    I was going to sell a poke and when i went to the locker i wasnt there and checking are missing 2 tortles, 43 and 45 and my vileplum 86 idk if another ones but those are that i remember, idk when happened but one of the turtles i bought it 2 days ago and i saw both in my locker. Macrobit Pearl
  5. G

    A Guy Selling his Acc and trading

    A guy that is selling his acc, or trading it Edit: IDK how to post the image in real size
  6. G

    Deleted Account

    Hey Today like 10min ago my acc was deleted (char name: Gecarden), by Aisa supposed botting, can you staff explain me?? show the proves.... i had wasted a lot of money and now u come with this? plx need answeres coz i saw how my char was logged out and cant do anything.