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  1. G

    ZayPay Problem

    Yeah i used to, and i want to donate via mobile cause i have a plan, so i want to waste all my credit before the monthly cut-off
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    ZayPay Problem

    Hey im from mexico and i used to donate via zaypay but this method is no longer available in mexico, can yo put paygol or another mobile payment?? Thanks
  3. G

    Pizza Bugged

    Hey i have some pizzas bugged, i cant eat them, cant move them or throw them. and is waisting a bp slot and sometimes i get confused with the good ones
  4. G

    [Donation] Venezuela buged with paygol

    im not from Venezuela, im from Mexico and have the same problem, i sent the sms and paygol redirected me to pad and didnt recive my points :S
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    Nino mi caso lleva más de 1 semana y aun no puedo tener ni una respuesta por parte del staff...

    Nino mi caso lleva más de 1 semana y aun no puedo tener ni una respuesta por parte del staff?? te pido de favor puedas pasar a checar que es lo que pasa Saludos y gracias por tu atención
  6. G

    I need help!!! :S My pokes disappear every time i log... GM CANT HELP :c

    i have the same problem is the second time that items disapear from my pc and i have been bumping my thread but i dont have an answer its like they dont care about their costumrs
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    Item Disappeared

    Another BUMP still waiting for an answer. or in this server doesnt exist client service???
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    Item Disappeared

    BUMP. Still waiting for an answer
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    Item Disappeared

    BUMP Hohenheim of the Light or an admin i need ur help!!!!
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    Hello Alba i have a problem and a GM told me that i must talk with an admin to solve it, i make...

    Hello Alba i have a problem and a GM told me that i must talk with an admin to solve it, i make a post in the forum 2 days ago ando nobody had answer me, can u check my case plx? and can u answer me telling me what gonna happen?? Thanks and Greetings ;)
  11. G

    Item Disappeared

    Plx any CM or admin, i need ur help guys!
  12. G

    Lost all items in my locker

    is your locker full of the fished pokes?? try to sell them, coz the caught pokes push ur items in the locker esp: tu locker esta lleno de los pokes que capturaste pescando?? ya checaste sacandolos de ahí? vendelos o algo a ver si tus cosas estan por ahi
  13. G

    Item Disappeared

    Hello i had 13k, then a put 10k into a bag (yellow one) i relogged and when i want to take the money to buy a poke it wasnt there. i used ctrl+r to report and a GM told me that i must put the report here. in that yellow backpack is where is supposed to be my money :/. Can u check it ASAP plx i...
  14. G

    Donaciones mexico ayuda gm

    Pues yo dono desde Zaypay que es desde el celular, no se si te sirva
  15. G

    Ayuda quiero comprar diamantes pero no puedo en México.

    Que tal, yo soy de México y dono por medio de Zaypay que es pago con el celular, pero igual desde paypal puedes donar ;)
  16. G

    Pokemons Missing

    didnt work :(
  17. G

    Pokemons Missing

    my locker isnt full :S
  18. G

    Pokemons Missing

    I was going to sell a poke and when i went to the locker i wasnt there and checking are missing 2 tortles, 43 and 45 and my vileplum 86 idk if another ones but those are that i remember, idk when happened but one of the turtles i bought it 2 days ago and i saw both in my locker. Macrobit Pearl
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    Valorisar diamonds

    Creo que es buena idea y realmente importante que los diamantes retomen su valor, y lo único que puedo lograr esto es que se consuman los diamantes que hay en cada server, la sugerencia es buena, en ningun lado se esta diciendo que tiene que ser tal cual y como Potexx lo menciona, simplemente...
  20. G

    A Guy Selling his Acc and trading

    A guy that is selling his acc, or trading it Edit: IDK how to post the image in real size