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    Server Lags

    Hi Guys, After a good few months on not playing I decided to come back to PA as I have some extra time in the evening as I did before. I donated to get premium account straight away but I yet again can't play on the server and it's not my own fault, the servers are lagging like HELL. Can I ask...
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    [Buy] Cloned marowak

    As in the title, I'm looking for a Cloned Marowak. If you have one for sale, leave a message here or catch me in game. Tell me the price as well. Preferable level is under 80 ;)
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    [Sell] 170 Diamonds

    Sold ! To be closed All sold !!
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    [Support] delete

    Hi Guys, I haven't been playing on PA for several months, and when I decided to comeback into the community, when I logged in one of my characters on the account wasn't there. Was speaking to a friend and he said that the reason for that is that I was inactive for some time. But my "main" char...
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    [Complaint] Misdreavus from JB 4

    Name : Hening Server : Diamond I got my Johto Box 4 as a reward from the event, and when I opened the box I've got Misdreavus and as far as I know Misdreavus drops from Johto Box 3 not 4 and I shouldn't be getting it from Box 4 :( Can I ask you to take the Misd from me and claim the box back?
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    [Buy] Magmar

    Buy Magmar low lvl or Magby I pay 2k in cash. Msg me
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    [Donation] Donation

    Hello, I just wanted to buy some Diamonds via SMS Donation, So i've sent a message and did not get any diamonds :/ It took my 5 euro for the Donation but did not get my diamonds
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    [Donation] Donate Problems

    Hello, i'm just back into the game and I wanted to donate in order to get Premium time. I have ordered 4 diamonds throught SMS payment method. I got my first 4 diamonds, but in order to get Premium time I need 10 diamonds so I ordered another 4 but I got message back saying "Nothing to Display"...
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    Respawn of Xatu

    The Respawn of Xatu in Cianwood at Position: [X: 2092] [Y: 4690] [Z: 10]. is very very sloooow. Also I remember when I killed one Xatu, and he used a "Night Shade" skill on me, if I saw it properly this spell does give damage but doesnt work as an "Stun skill" like it does with Gengar.
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    Tv System

    When you want to watch somebody playing using the Tv System, you can of course join somebody and watch him playing but not only. You can take out your own pokemon and start killing the pokemons along with the person hunting there. Also if you join somebody using that system, you are "attached"...
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    Misdreavus/Kabutops bugs

    As we all know Misdreavus is a Ghost Type of pokemon. I have noticed that he is not resistant to normal attacks of pokemons. E.g Chansey's hits him normally. There is also a bug with Kabutops using Dive ability. When you use Dive ability of Kabutops and you go down the sea, Kabutops starts...
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    Agent R Quest

    Hello, Me and my friend decided to do Agent's R Quest and see what is the reward from it. When we took the mission Agent R tells us this : Agent R: There is a valuable software that is being developed by Silph Co. in Johto, with the intention to enhance Pokemon. Go spy them at their building...
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    Me and my friend have tested dmg of fire poke (Magmar) on several pokes such as : Seadra,Kabutops,Kingdra. Like Seadra is a Water type and should get 1/2 dmg from fire pokes. Here is SS from original server of dmg to Seadra. And here is SS from Test Server on Kingdra. And after update...
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    There is only 1 Scyther respawning out of 2 within Saffari Zone in Fuchsia. The one which is located higher is not respawning.
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    Elekid does not respawn at the electric tower in Olivine. He was respawning properly yesterday.
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    I think that gloom flowers could drop a bit faster, because I've killed like over 100 glooms and dropped only 2 flowers' :/
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    Hello, I don't know if someone already mentioned that, but my suggestion is to make characters muted (or even make a Notation) if they Spam too much, same idea as on Real Tibia. Because in the PVP Zone people are trying to duel with each other but there is too much people spamming their offerts...
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    Currently if you harvest a tree you're getting a random fruit for it. My idea is to make something like "Harvesting/Mining Skills" which you level them up. And as you level them up you have a better chances to get the fruit you want, and also different trees will represent other fruits you can...
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    [BUY] Gengar ANY Sex

    Bought !!