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  1. B

    Server Lags

    Definitely gonna try it, thanks.
  2. B

    Server Lags

    Hi Guys, After a good few months on not playing I decided to come back to PA as I have some extra time in the evening as I did before. I donated to get premium account straight away but I yet again can't play on the server and it's not my own fault, the servers are lagging like HELL. Can I ask...
  3. B

    [Complaint] World transfer Platinum - Diamond

    I remember I lost one of my characters on the account because of inactivity as well, I had all my pokes there but couldn't be restored. So I guess you're gonna have to start from scratch :(
  4. B

    [Buy] Cloned marowak

    Not in need anymore, to be closed. Thanks.
  5. B

    [Buy] Cloned marowak

  6. B

    Funny trade offers

    I think this guy always wanted to use the term "b.o" when selling stuff, so he found his own way :D
  7. B

    [Buy] Cloned marowak

    Hey man, I'm at work now and I will not be back until 8 am (London/Dublin) time. I can log in before going to sleep if you're gonna be there :) Or you can just pm me on forum with your offer.
  8. B

    [Buy] Cloned marowak

    As in the title, I'm looking for a Cloned Marowak. If you have one for sale, leave a message here or catch me in game. Tell me the price as well. Preferable level is under 80 ;)
  9. B

    [Sell] 170 Diamonds

    My nickname in the game is same as on Forum. If you wanna catch me in game you will have to wait till about 4 PM CEST (Polish/German) time because this is the time I usually wake up after work.
  10. B

    [Sell] 170 Diamonds

    I guess I could do 9k if you wanna buy more than 10 diamonds. This is the lowest I can go unfortunately.
  11. B

    [Sell] 170 Diamonds

    7.5k is a bit low, I will loose a lot of money on a bigger scale :) sorry man
  12. B

    [Sell] 170 Diamonds

    Sold ! To be closed All sold !!
  13. B

    [Support] delete

    Ah :/ Okey, Ty
  14. B

    [Support] delete

    Hi Guys, I haven't been playing on PA for several months, and when I decided to comeback into the community, when I logged in one of my characters on the account wasn't there. Was speaking to a friend and he said that the reason for that is that I was inactive for some time. But my "main" char...
  15. B

    [Donation] Donation

    Am I ever gonna get 'em back?!?!?!?! -.-'
  16. B

    [Complaint] Misdreavus from JB 4

    Name : Hening Server : Diamond I got my Johto Box 4 as a reward from the event, and when I opened the box I've got Misdreavus and as far as I know Misdreavus drops from Johto Box 3 not 4 and I shouldn't be getting it from Box 4 :( Can I ask you to take the Misd from me and claim the box back?
  17. B

    [Donation] Donation

  18. B

    [Donation] Didnt had my Diamonds!!

    Dont you worry, Im waiting for my diamonds for more than 8 months now, and Alba keeps ignoring my PM's. Im just loosing faith in this server.
  19. B

    [Donation] Donation

    bump. Alba, I replied to you on PM and still got no message back.
  20. B

    [Donation] Donation

    I haven't sent an email because you said you will mail them. And this is what the forum is for. If it takes you that long to reply on forum I wonder how long would I wait if I e-mailed you.