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  1. M

    130 points daily task achievements.

    Hi im writing this post cause i find a bit stressful and annoying the fact that the achievemnts of this pokemon consist on evolving them. As we all know this pokemon are only obtainable in a minimun of 65 days, doing both tasks every single of this days, therefore its super underwhelming that...
  2. M

    Meowth bait - fishing nothing

    Hello! i´ve been fishing for some days with meowth bait and it happens to me several times that it appear the "meowth bait" msg after waiting the pokemons to get fished but nothing came out, i dont know if this meant to be or its just a little bug. I´ll try to take a print of it if it trigger...
  3. M

    Mega Stone Voucher

    Hello, actually selling mega stone vaucher. Looking for offers here or in game: Polkman