
Recent content by Gigio

  1. G

    St. Valetin event?

    Hi, I'm Gigio, probably the most loved player in here xo and I don't know to return or not xD Will it be a St. Valentine event? or not? Thank you so much, kiss
  2. G

    Christmas Weekend Event

    Thank you very much for your answer! Where is that spoiler? I tried to find it but I couldn't u.u Thanks!
  3. G

    Christmas Weekend Event

    How much time is it necessary to finish all missions? If I start today... can I finish today? xd Thank you xoxo El personaje favorito de los niños de PA
  4. G

    Easter event 2017

    I have a question, I found an egg in the Fire island, next to Cinnabar (In this direction >>>> ) But I don't see it in the "premy eggs". Is that one a "free egg"? Thanks.
  5. G

    Knowledge Competition

    I try to find this one and it was really hard hahaha congrats!
  6. G

    Knowledge Competition

    Es Gigio! El personaje favorito de los niños de PA <3 :D
  7. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Maybe I don't see it, but, what is the addon for Wigglytuff? I see the heart in Clefairy but not in Wiggly :O
  8. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Ok, I will finish with this because it has no sense since the already said the last word. But just one thing, it's different to say "we usually give..." and "you will give". Thank you.
  9. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Why are you so aggressive? I mean, do you win something licking Gm's asses? I'm not crying about this, your replies are so disgusting
  10. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Nobody is force to make the event, but if you don't know the rewards before the event started (or even when it started) what would you do? You're playing hoping for a good reward, and then...
  11. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Is it possible to add a box please? It's a big event too u..u Pleaseeeeeee
  12. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    Hi, I don't understand. First a NPC ask me for a white teddy bear, ok I did it and I gave it to her girlfriend and everything was ok. Now I go to another NPC and he asks for flowers? I'm not the only one. There are people who complete the ten couples from mission 1 and they still can not do...
  13. G

    2017 St. Valentine Event [Feb. 17~21]

    When you finish mission 1, giving the flowers to all 10 girls, does appear a message like "yay you did it" or not? I finished and nothing appeared xD so I just continue with mission 1...?
  14. G

    Spoiler event

    Sorry, this one xD
  15. G

    Spoiler event

    Where is this city? any idea of the 5 that are not in here? Thank you :D