
Recent content by Fernands

  1. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    Anyone caught using a bot should not be given a second chance, they should start from scratch to learn I like stopped respawn because I can play while I work and study As for the use of bots on my part, we have the gms and cms platinum that are there to prove this, there were countless checks...
  2. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    A despicable player like you has no morals whatsoever to come here and say something In case people don't know or don't remember, this guy was caught using a bot on tapu koko and recently around 26k balls he started coming to visit me at tapu bulu (it must be due to the lack of ability to try...
  3. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    30,000 I'll start by showing you what this really is in time 30,000 x 165s = 4,950,000 seconds 82,500 minutes 1,375 hours It's so sad that you spend 30,000x at the prospect of a ball turning green. I see the implementation of Charms, Helds, Balls and even events being useless for this...
  4. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    25k :(
  5. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    updating daily suffering 20k o//
  6. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    hi god, it's me again :(
  7. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    tapu bulu is too early to cry, but the fear of reaching 24k or 54k of balls is greater How much will it be this time? 9k has been completed o // hugs from fer <3
  8. Fernands

    Players' memes

    we are always in the fight, but we can't lose the joy <3
  9. Fernands

    Raid Fails

    from what I see here is another one that lives off the raid system ^^ no one is perfect unless you use a program to make it <3 I referred to the achievements of most and last, but what you said is not a bad idea, after all everyone who participates deserves to win.
  10. Fernands

    Raid Fails

    for a player who got where he is surviving only on raid, you are complaining too much!! the system is perfect everyone has a chance to achieve something and in my point of view, the most damage and last hit should be changed to group A and respectively the last 5 to deal damage. now do us all...
  11. Fernands

    Players rarest catches

    Thanks to everyone who cheered (even the cons) <3 let's go turek!! Now it is your turn until next time ^^
  12. Fernands

    Players' memes

    always a constant struggle, but we can't lose the joy <3
  13. Fernands

    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

  14. Fernands

    Parcel Castle [Contest]

    Fernands Platinum