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Update schedule & event


Mar 19, 2010
Hi guys I wanted to inform you about the incoming changes to the servers and about the not-so-christmas event.

First of all, Hoenn in Diamond and Pearl.

With the next server restart, the current version of Hoenn (the one in Platinum) will be implemented in Diamond and Pearl, this mean that those world will have the Hoenn region and Pokemon BUT won't be receiving updates related to Hoenn frequently, Hoenn updates will still be tested in Platinum for atleast 2 weeks or more before being moved to Diamond/Pearl, UNLESS they are critical or map related bugs.

Changes to Platinum.

Platinum will receive a boost in the catch rate, the current 1.5 rate doesn't really help in the very rare Pokemon, so now will be doubled.
New catch rate: x3 (was x1.5 before)

Web changes.

The Hoenn cities and starter Pokemon will be avaliable in the character creation page from now on.

Finally, the not-so-christmas event.

The event will start in all worlds with the next restart, and will have a duration of 3 days (ends 05/01/2016), during the event duration christmas Pokemon will spawn in differents cities (Johto/Kanto regions) kill them to get points and collect items.

The event rewards and requeriments will be announced later on the week based on average points/items collected.
The main rewards is chance to get:

- Emolga
- Pachirisu
- Abomasnow
- Vanilluxe

Christmas Event rewards list + required amount of points
100x rocket balls for 100 points

1x rare candy for 250 points

random pokemon flute for 600 points

kanto box 3 for 700 points

johto box 3 for 900 points

addon bag for 1200 points

mewtwo island ticket for 1300 points

random evolution item for 1500 points (TM Ancient Power, TM rollout, TM Double Hit, dusk stone, razor claw, razor fang)

random tm for 1700 points

random evolution item for 1800 points (shiny stone, Mt Coronet Fragment, protector, magmarizer, electrizer)

present box for 2000 points (Emolga, Pachirisu, Abomasnow, Vanilluxe)
For players that originally got 700+ points, they can exchange bundles for points, but they have a limit and that depends on the original points that player obtained in event:
-700 points: +200 points
-900 points: +300 points
-1300 points: +400 points
-1500 points: +500 points

all rewards have a limit of 1 per player, except rare candy (3) and rocket balls (5)

Shiny Stone will allow you to evolve Roselia into Roserade, and Mt Coronet Fragment evolves Nosepass into Probopass.

[complains are not going to be considered, there is a lot of players who will get the main reward]
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Thanks for the event news.
I would love to thank the new tab in the profile of players containing all catches, loved it.
do not listen to his nonsense, he bears !!! Applies rakeri rakeri
When it appears NPCs!We need a goal to which the farm
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Damn, wish I knew the rewards, so I know if I can ignore event xd

its at the bottom of first post. you can get 4 pokes from the box, the problem is the idiot people who will go all out and get a stupid amount of points making it harder for those who wont focus on the event to get a decent reward.
are you able to make it so everyone can hit the monsters and get a point then? the ks is real :|