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TM Protect?


Active member
Sep 29, 2012
I have my time in the game and when giving advice about what pokemon new players should go for i constantly replay with "look for one with ProtectLike, or who does not learn Reflect", may be biassed but it feels like all pokemon how can leard Reflect only worth it slot when have it.

This looks for me like a right gamedev choice, cause reflect is that powerful, but as there's no alternative option (self heal is not worth in PvE) that end up as a flaw on the balance system, particularly bad for new players cause Reflect is too expensive.

So, i would like to ask for the addiction of TM Protection on the game, make it disponible for all pokemon who can learn Reflect and make a NPC sell it for 10k(?), it will help new player to use the pokemon they like with no need for a expende of 8-20 time the pokemon value on a TM that for a game balance purpose it should learn to be good.

thx for the attencion, have a great day.
there are 126784623478 pokes who has ref/prot in moveset, no need to spend money for TM if you can't afford
there are 126784623478 pokes who has ref/prot in moveset, no need to spend money for TM if you can't afford
u absolutely right, but there pokemon who are peaple favorite that can learn Reflect and are just too bad, like Gallade.

Those peaple just wanna play with pokemon they like, but cause reflect is this good, the base pokemon is way worse than it should(my pov), and it's just because of it.
u absolutely right, but there pokemon who are peaple favorite that can learn Reflect and are just too bad, like Gallade.

Those peaple just wanna play with pokemon they like, but cause reflect is this good, the base pokemon is way worse than it should(my pov), and it's just because of it.
Better suggest a REBALANCE

... and why not bring the mega Gallade version, staff?


PS - Thanks for listening to my suggestion about Mega Pidgeot! :love:
Thats certain a good resolution for Gallade, but about all the others pokemons how can learn Reflect and are also bad?

There's something about Protect that i don't know and make my suggestion impossible?

if Protect is a Reflect how don't deal damage back, i don't understand why my suggestion receive those :ROFLMAO:. If you guys could explain it to me, I would appreciate it.
So, i would like to ask for the addiction of TM Protection on the game, make it disponible for all pokemon who can learn Reflect and make a NPC sell it for 10k(?), it will help new player to use the pokemon they like with no need for a expende of 8-20 time the pokemon value on a TM that for a game balance purpose it should learn to be good.
I believe the main point is each Pokemon is unique and with its own gameplay/strategy.

The staff's decision is not to bring a comfortable and standardized game with mechanics based only on reflect or protect.

Obviously there are bad pokemons or some that could improve, but it doesn't mean that you need tm/move reflect or protect for that.

TM PROTECT would be very well accepted and used, but they would probably make it more difficult to obtain.
Howerver we would still don't even know which pokemons specifically could be able to learn this move from.

Which would already break yours logic of being something easy to apply at a low cost to various pokemons "helping" new players.
I didn't get your point very well, when you said about a NPC sells it by (10k). otherwise, imo, i don't see any problem about adding a new protective move, few time ago i had suggested protection as a new TM too. Not to be available for sale by a NPC, of course. Current pokémon that learn reflect could learn the supposed new TM (protection), but reflect would have to be extracted of course.

It's also interesting to consider that, in the last rebalancing we had, a new "defense system" that was and is being added that gives much more resistance to your pokemon, make it immune to paralysis attacks or any other, as: muddy armor, moon cloak, wind embrace amog others (without reflect/protection-effect needed).

as our friend also suggested right up there, it might be interesting to suggest a rebalance or wait for it or something like that. But if the case is a pokémon that your friend or even you really want and really think that to make it a usable pkm, it is necessary to reflect or something like that, things are easier now, getting this kind of support (reflect) shouldn't be so painful, especially when you really want it for a pkm in particular.

But definitely, making all pkm have a type of protection in general, the idea sounds quite absurd.
Give Access to Protect for all pokemon has never my intention, neither a defensive move, this would make all pokemon the same and that boring. I'm talking about all pokemons how can learn TM033 Reflect, and my experience in the game that "all pokemon who can learn reflect are worthless without it", i also point that Reflect price are 400k on average, who is several times more then the pokemon you normaly want to use it into, and that's why i suggest a NPC could sell it cheaper, 10k was only my suggestion, but it would be pointless to solve the problem if the TM has hard to get or expensive as Reflect.

The alternative, to change the moveset of all those pokemon look tiresome for me, the TM Protect on the term of my suggestion look like a easy way to solve it and the because post it.

and yes, i know that not every pokemon need a protection move, some pokemons work fine with Endure, other with a bunch of stuns, other with a simple and huge HP bar, others with simples High Damage Moves and some pokemons are simples not for PvE but PvP (probably the case of Gallade), and so on.
and my experience in the game that "all pokemon who can learn reflect are worthless without it"
man u dont even put reflect in 99% pokes anymore as its not worth and necessary wtf

stop this thread already
man u dont even put reflect in 99% pokes anymore as its not worth and necessary wtf

stop this thread already
This, people prefer not to put reflect because u can't use cooldown urge anymore on those pokemons so they tend to be a lot better without this tm. About Gallade try TM Selfheal on it, it is in my opinion a lot better than reflect since it's 50% heal.
i mean its a mmorpg ure expected to achieve new things as u continue to play, it'd be like making it possible for a lvl 8 to kill a demon in old tibia days