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Letter to Santa Claus - Contest 2022

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Apr 17, 2014
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Gliwice, Poland

Christmas is near! It's a perfect time to write your letter to Santa Claus!


- The Letter has to be written by you, not by uncle google.
- Minimum words: 300, maximum words: no limit. If you're not sure how many words your story contains, use this website: https://wordcounter.net/
- The letter cannot contain: offensive words, insults towards anyone, sexual nor racist content.
- The letter has to be written in english. If u have problems in that, ask tutors for a favor of translating it.
- Letter has to be posted here in this thread.
- You are free to participate participate in every contest (House/Cooking/Letter to Santa Claus), but just win in 1, It means that If you get any place in for example house contest, automatically you'll be out of drawing contest.


1st Place: Lucky Reborn + 90 premium days + TM Case of your choice

2nd Place: Smart Candy + 30 premium days + Outfit Bag
3rd Place: Box 4 of your choice + 15 premium days + Random TM Case

This contest is GLOBAL.
Thread will be closed on 01/01/2023


Hello dear santa this year is almost ending and i think it's time to seat down and write something for you, this year for sure was not easy for most of us santa , i had some rough times and had to deal with some crazy stuff also had some good times that i will never forget , well i guess this is just life, i mean having these up and downs means that you are alive after all. As you see Santa i am not the best with words but i am honest with everything i say ,so going back to the main reason of this letter which is Christmas this amazing moment where we can do all the Christmas decoration with the lights and trees and also meet up with our family members and friends to celebrate the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ.

Respect for those who don't believe or dont celebrate Christmas for whatever reasons but for me it's a special date , i feel like there is nothing else to compare to it , the feeling of hapiness and devotion on the peoples eyes, i know for a lot of people it's just another date but for me it's something really magic and amazing.

Santa i would like to ask for a christmas gift but not for me instead for every people who really needs it, i've seen so many people this year in terrible condition, they already lost their hope so we have to be their hope, this world we live in is not fair because power and money always win and those who don't have any are treated like they are not worth anything and are forgotten by those who should be looking after them, so the perfect christmas gift would be to restore their lost hope by doing something about it and not only seeing it, every bit of help counts, food, clothes anything that can make someones day better.

A merry christmas to everybody from your friend Lag.


Jul 4, 2021
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Christmas is getting closer and closer, this wonderful time spent with family, friends and Padventures players is something magical and unforgettable. During the Christmas, people forget about various problems surrounding us from all over the world, it's the moment when we can forget about our problems and focus only on our loved ones and make them smile by singing Christmas carols, spending time together and the greatest joy on this wonderful day are the gifts that everyone is waiting for a long time and waits for the arrival of Santa Claus. Everyone tries to see Santa and say hello to him and thank him for all the years in which they received a wonderful and a dream gift from a previously written letter.

Santa Claus I am writing this from my house in Mandarin I look out the window and there is a lot of snow here, the Christmas tree is already decorated and there are no presents yet. I would like to get a bag with pokemons this year, one pokemon of each type. I want the ice one the most, I will feed it with my tangerines and we will live together until next Christmas. The second gift is a held to make it easier to explore this fantastic world and get new shiny catches. As the third gift and probably the last one, I would like a lot of sports balls, yes I love catching shiny pokemons and it gives me a lot of happiness and trouble but if the green light turns on I am doubly happy, every day without trying to catch one is a day lost, you have to try to catch and wait for that one moment. Celadon covered with snow that it's hard to drive your sleigh to deliver your dream gifts to everyone that's why I hope that you will choose the faster way so that everyone can enjoy this wonderful day and I wish every player and all pokemons a wonderful holiday. And to you Santa Claus a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year's Eve with reindeers and a champagne party until dawn after a successful Christmas. 🎅❄️🌨️☃️


Banned user
May 14, 2012
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Poland <3
Hello, Dear Santa Claus!
The atmosphere gets warmer and warmer, we see lovely decorations in Celadon, Vermilion, even in Olivine Cities... someone told me about singing Sting delivering us his favourite "Last Christmas" in Pewter Gym, so I don't need to look at the date - Christmas are coming!

Last year was truly hard for everyone :/ we had to say "bye bye and gl in rl life" to one of the biggest PAdventures' legend - Olimeczek, some other great players were sent to deletera, and demon king still eats cakes with Officer Jenny from time to time. As you know, for last few years I was a good boy, no racism, no xenophobia, sometimes insulting Wyspany on polish chat, but trust me, it's not a pleasure - it's a sad duty :(! This time, I won't ask you for a bigger catch rate, or a deletion for litlerainbow - everyone is able to have a second or seventeeth chance! Please, my darling, fat bearded man, delete kill stealing in PAdventures world. I was travelling Kanto, swimming through Jotho, having parties with my friend Steven in Hoenn, and finally, after this long journey, I got the right knowledge - "ks" pours cold into our hearts. "Where one kills stealer comes to a respawn, there is where a good man becomes a racist" ~ quote by Sylwanek, 2020. Notations, banishments, deletions - it won't help, we need your help, you red Snorlax!! Please, just for once leave your useless Stantlers and repair our world with the power of love.

Oh, I almost forgot! If we talk about needed things, could you give us some programmers? We were good community this year, we deserve automatic throwing system, to capture more weepinbells, machokes etc ;)

Merry Christmas everyone, wish you many catches and wonderful moments while christmas event (not for you mietek (especially with the little one)).

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Dragon King

Feb 27, 2012
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Dear Santa:

First and foremost, I want to thank you for everything that I have learned this year. I know that I am not the greatest or the coolest guy in town, but at least I had fun with my Pokémon, who have suddenly become part of my family. Time flies; this year has passed, and another is quickly approaching. You are getting old, man. I mean, both of us; we did not get younger as time passed.

I still remember my first house in Cerulean, next to the river, where I used to wait for you. Under the tree, I never found my gifts, but I did find stories that I haven't forgotten yet because every year holds new adventures and new friends. My close friends retired from the game so long ago that now my VIP list looks like a warning sign (only in red, never green), but you, my friend, are the only one who stayed. Every year, you bring back the old memories and the holy spirit that everyone in this world needs.

Nostalgia must be the word that kills the present but brings the past alive. I may not have too many friends, but I have Pokémon. My Dewgong says "Hi," the old Ambipom is still waiting for her banana, do not forget the new soccer ball for Cinderace; he is very excited about that, and Togekiss waits patiently for his new necklace. Oh, and my Kingdra wishes for a new scarf. You know that she hates the winter. At least bring something to the little old friends who are waiting next to the tree, near the river.

As always, it has been a pleasure to write a letter to you, and I wish you nothing but the best. Before I forget, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, old man. I know that you are going to be very busy, but in case you want to take a rest, we are going to be waiting for you in the same house, under the same tree.

Best Regards, Dragon King.

Dragon King

stin stauer

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2012
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In front of the PC
Little potato when it's born goes around the floor.
My little mother when sleeps puts her hand on the heart.

This year was tuff Santa Claus, so reward me a lot, I didn't catch any shiny, so give me them all.

In the morning I don't eat anything, but at night I eat a truck if u let me.

Today I went to the gym, I've been working out.
At the supermarket I saw an old lady was going to the line, so I walked faster and got there first. She is retired, she can wait all day long, I can't, I had to go home to play padventures.
First things first is a famous saying.
Another famous one is kick the dead dogs.
Btw why some ppl have so much and others have nothing?
Give me shiniiiiiiies.

I didn't write a beautiful letter because life ain't always beautiful, u gotta be realistic dude, and also everybody writes so much about the same it makes me sick.

I'm being sincere, put your hands up and pass me the pokes, thanks man

Stin stauer - diamond
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May 12, 2018
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Hello Santa…

It's me! Little. I apologize for missing me for 3 years, but a lot has happened, if you allow me I want to be able to tell you something before I ask you what I want for Christmas.

I lived with my coach, we used to be very close but I lost my coach 2 years ago due to the disease we are going through today, that night I stopped believing in everything heavenly, I asked God many times to give him back to me , that I could not follow my path if I did not have his company, I felt ignored and that my requests and pleas never reached heaven.

I walked away from life and let loneliness rule me, there were many coaches who wanted to catch me but none were like my coach, by order of officer Jenny they all had to stay home to quarantine due to the disease we were experiencing at that time. At the moment, I had nowhere to go and I did not listen to what they had ordered.

I followed my path of solitude where my only salvation was the memories that I had in my mind and heart, until one afternoon I got sick; I was so alone and far from the city, there was no way to receive any medical attention and I was at risk of losing my life, but on the other hand I was happy because I knew that at least that way I could see him again. Suddenly I fell and I didn't know more about myself or what was happening around me, the disease attacked me very strongly where I couldn't take it anymore and I was unconscious. At that moment in my dreams of agony he appeared, my former coach, saying: “Hey! Little, what's wrong?; why alone?; what is happening to you? I don't like seeing you like this." I replied that life was not the same without his presence.

But... do you know what Santa answered me? He told me: "Don't worry, where I am right now there is no pain, no evil, the only bad thing is that you are not here with me but soon we will see each other again, until then live the life that one day I dreamed of and not I could comply but you will fulfill it for me”.

He took my paw, get up and it was at that moment that I was able to wake up very slightly and I could see someone who was taking me very quickly to a Pokémon center and I lost consciousness again.

But Santa! I woke up and I was in the Pokémon center, I couldn't explain how I got there, I didn't see anyone except nurse Joy, but she told me that a trainer had found me lying in the mountains far from Paniola Ranch, after hearing all that, A trainer came in, he seemed familiar to me, it seemed that I had seen him somewhere, then Nurse Joy told me that he was the one who brought me to the Pokémon center, he approached me and asked me how I was, he told me that he wanted to be my friend but I closed the doors of my heart so that no one else would enter it, which was a mistake, Nurse Joy told me that I was unconscious for more than 6 months and he was always by my side, he had something that the other trainers DID NOT and it was perseverance and the ability to feel and read my emotions, I decided to give myself and give him a chance and today I am with him sharing his path, the good thing about it is that I feel the warmth and love that he felt when he was with my former coach and I went back to being what I used to be before, confident and happy because I had two people who love me and take care of me, one of them is in heaven and the other person is next to me.

Ooh! I'm sorry Santa, I got so sentimental that I ended up telling you everything that happened to me, now yes, to ask for what I want this Christmas, I know that I was not the best Pokémon, that I have had many mistakes and my behavior was not the best, only I want to ask you the following, if you could talk to God and between the two of you can help me with my wishes, the first one would be that all the people who lost a loved one can find peace and tranquility to accept the most painful thing that is to lose a loved one. to be loved and that they can think things through so that they do not commit the same crazy things that I did for allowing loneliness to rule me and neglecting me so they can also understand that sooner or later someone comes into our lives with the ability to heal the wounds we carry in the soul and the second one, I understand that years ago I was selfish when I asked you to return my ex-coach to me while being blinded by his departure and not accepting it. I learned that it is part of life, that each person completes a cycle in this world and we must know how to accept what awaits us, but I would like you to take care of my new coach and allow me to share all the time that life has planned for us.

Without further ado, thank you very much Santa, Merry Christmas! I promise to send you greetings more often. Fennekinsurprise

Eddxkiller - diamond
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Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Dear Santa,

haven’t written for a while and I am not sure if you still remember me. But I hope… you do! Now I am a bit older from the last letter to you, many things have changed. I remembered that was fun and I really enjoyed time while writing a letter to you, Santa, so I decided to do it this year! Preparing for Christmas, huh? Can not imagine how much work you put into fulfilling wishes from kids, teenages or even adult ones! But then I started realizing you have amazing helpers next to you, so nothing can stop you! In addition, I believe that you are all well and healthy.

Well, don’t know if I should ask for anything, because as far as I remember (always parents and other people told me that, that's why I remember this way) you just reward good people and I am not sure if I was good enough to receive a gift, depends what define as a good/bad behavior generally (you know that usual ones, not obvious good/bad). But… if in your eyes my actions were acceptable, then I would like to ask for a gift, a simple one, I promise! I remember when I was a kid, I loved trying to build wooden things out of used matchsticks (as my uncle) but it was hard I must admit. So about this would be my Christmas wish. Would it be possible to give me used matchsticks (or something similar) and a glue for it.? People usually put them in the rubbish bin. I would really love to try it once again, now I am older, I am more patient (I hope), so maybe it is something around what I could build from them. Let’s say it’s my dream from being a kid. Also hope it is simple! I have no idea what to build, most likely gonna start from easy things, to see if it’s for me, but I can assure you, if I start doing things, always trying to end them, even if it would take months! So yeah, that’s my dream present from you.

So it seems like I am close to ending a letter, what fun it was (again), it doesn’t have words to describe! Enjoyed that time, trust me! When you come to me (miracles happen), please, enjoy yourself by getting some cookies and some bottles of milk, for you and your helpers, because that one night can be exhausting.

Warm greetings, Tsots!



New member
Dec 27, 2022
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Letter for Santa:

Hi dear Santa, I hope my letter can reach you, they told me that you fulfill wishes. I have one in particular...

My name is Toby (meowth) or at least they called me that when I got to my coach's house, my coach's name was Thomas. He was a very warm person and he taught me many things about life, actually it was there that I found out about your existence. I arrived as a gift, maybe I was a wish that you fulfilled to my coach, now I am the one who seeks to fulfill his wish through you, let me tell you a little about my life, to tell the truth, my path was not easy when I got home from my coach, I was very young, barely a month after coming into the world and I was very happy because everyone loved me, I felt so loved but then everything changed, from being a gift to being a nuisance; Even more so when my coach left, I was too small to be able to take care of myself, I didn't know anything about life, being in a warm bed, I went to sleep under the engine of a car or some corner that was warm, but even so, it was very cold. . On nights of rain and hail, nobody wanted me because I was dirty and neglected, I walked all night and yes, one can walk a lot when you don't have a place to sleep, I just waited for the sun to rise again so I could warm up and drink. a nap imagining that I slept in my warm bed next to my coach, on lonely days imagination is a good companion until the cold wakes you up, I couldn't sleep all day, I needed to move but I couldn't because I didn't have the necessary strength , my body was getting weaker every night I begged to have some food, I went to restaurants or food stalls but nobody paid attention to me, on the contrary they kicked me out of the place when I just wanted to calm my hunger and be able to continue my search. Many people ran away from me, they thought that I would steal their belongings or hurt them but no, I was just looking for affection to be able to remember the days in which I was also loved and be like the other meowth, which everyone loves. I didn't understand why they didn't want me if I was like any other Pokémon but then I understood that it wasn't the same, one day I saw my reflection in a puddle of water and I wasn't the same, I was a careless meowth, how much I wanted to clean myself but I can't I don't have enough strength to get up to eat or drink water; You will wonder the reason and it is because after so much walking, looking for food and a warm place I went through some very long paths, full of lights, it looked very beautiful I just wanted to find the same path my coach left but suddenly I felt a very strong pain and it was my hip that was fracturing and my legs that I no longer felt, they say that a car passed and hurt me I honestly don't remember, humans speak very fast and I don't understand, I can't move, it hurts everything, I'm cold and very hungry


I just want to ask you that my trainer come back to me, I miss him a lot, he took care of me, he used to bathe me and put me on a leash to walk I must admit that I did not like bath time, nor being in my pokeball, but I was very happy when I slept next to him and we ate a lot of food, one day he left or rather they took him away, they say that he was sick with COVID I don't know what that is, but from that day on they kicked me out of the house because they claimed that I was the culprit The last time I saw him he had some tubes and a strange thing in his nose I approached him but he couldn't breathe he just coughed and choked, then they took him in a car with other humans who helped him, I wanted to go with them but they didn't let me, I just saw how his eyes closed and shed tears, because I know he didn't want to leave me either, now I understand, I can't breathe either, it hurts a lot, my body burns trying to, Santa please help us find each other again, I can't continue my search, believe me I have would but I have no more strength left, I just hope I can see him again, play with him and continue our adventures.

Thank you very much, Merry Christmas Santa…

Lissxkiller - Diamond


New member
Dec 6, 2021
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Dear Santa, I tell you about the adventure I had the other day, It was very cold in celadon beach starting preparations for Christmas dinner, when it was time to cook dessert. Which was an alcremie dessert, we realized that we were missing ice cream. together with my team we decided to go to frozen harbor to look for the ice cream, when we found that a herd of piloswine was about to attack a small cindaquil. Quickly my entire team of pokemons rushed to defend it, to which we decided to take it to a pokemon center to be checked and we left it there. We continued with our trip and after a while we arrived at the center where they sold the remaining ice cream, when we considered On our return we see that the little cindaquil that we had saved followed us throughout the entire trip behind, for which we decided to take him and make him part of our family. Once in celadon we arrived, we finished dessert and began with the festivities. The cindaquill fell asleep as soon as he finished eating and we all started laughing and having a good time. Moral: material gifts are not essential, what is essential is good company and every moment lived since everything can be bought except time and moments. That's why I'm not looking for you to give me anything, I just want to thank you for this moment that I lived.

Happy Holidays to all :)))

pj: Toms World: Platinum.

drink coffee

Active member
Oct 18, 2017
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This year was full of joy and sadness. It seems that just recently we celebrated the new year, moved to 2022, and a few months later something unfathomable happened - the war in Ukraine. Since I live nearby, I want to ask that people who have been through the worst moments of their lives have a nice Christmas and New Year. Since the year 2022 is coming to an end and there are only a few days left until the beginning of the next year, I would like to apologize to everyone for my incomprehensible behavior, wish everyone to remain the same wonderful people, spend a lot of time with loved ones and love, respect and protect each other.

Having assembled a great community in the game, let's help each other, let's share the joy. I met a lot of good people in this game who shared their life stories. It's great to see how similar we all are, but also different. People, reading this letter of mine, will understand which persons I am talking about.

I hope the coming year gets off to a nice start without any more worldly problems. Also, a big thank you to the people who have put so much effort into this game for so many years and never let it go. Only thanks to them, we all got to know great people from different corners of the world. Most of the players grew up here, someone made friends in real life.

It's always nice to see old players come back after a few years, it's nice to say hello to them, ask them how they're doing, what's changed in their lives and what trials they had to go through or what they could be happy about. Thanks to the founders of the game. Without you, there would be no us. Have a nice new year!​


Nov 4, 2016
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Dear Santa Claus.

This year, many things happened to me. Lots of surprises and sadness too. Among all Christmases, I've always observed this world and the way everyone is happy at this time of year where Christmas represents so many good things for people and pokemons. I never had the courage to choose my first pokemon, because I was afraid of not being able to create a bond with it. several children leaving on their journeys and me just watching everything from my house, it was then that this morning I finally found a reason to write this letter and ask you for something. as soon as I woke up, I saw a beautiful rainbow over the sky of lilycove and after a few seconds I heard a different sound, a huge glow came from the direction of the sound and so I ran as fast as possible. I was close to Lilycove beach and when I got close... it was a pokemon egg that seemed to be calling someone. when I approached and picked up the egg... it hatched and a Cyndaquil emerged. that lack of courage I had was totally gone and when this little Cyndaquil looked at me, he snuggled into my arms and stayed there. I felt its heat warming me and it was something so magical, that's when that rainbow disappeared and there was the reason why I'm writing this letter. My only request for this Christmas, I want Luck as a gift, because thanks to the luck of seeing a beautiful rainbow just in the direction of this little Cyndaquil, I gained the courage I needed to start my journey and I want to have Luck always by my side to continue feeding my courage, getting new pokemons, conquering new challenges and making many friends from now on.

Ps: Maybe it's a selfish request, but having Luck on my side, it would be incredible the magnificent things this world can give me.

Escrito por: Fate Night
Mundo: Diamante


Active member
Aug 1, 2011
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Dear Santa:

This year was full of challenges. First of all I wanted to tell you that I have successfully completed my university studies after four years of hard work. I also got a job in advertising which I like and enjoy. It has cost me a lot because the context of my country Argentina is very bad economically and it is difficult to get a stable job. This Christmas will be different from all the previous ones, the world is getting crazier and crazier, the war conflicts between countries are back to be news in the streets, people only think about themselves, social networks and mass consumption make us forget what really matters, the love of family, friendship and union.
My only wish is that as much as possible all families do not lose the Christmas spirit, that they can celebrate with love and harmony with their loved ones. With my childhood friends we collect a little money and distribute toys for the neediest children in my small town, we believe that with small acts we can make people's lives happy, even if it is only for a while.

And I don't want to forget my padventure friends who have accompanied me in different stages of my life. I started 10 years ago with ups and downs but always enjoying this game. I wish that we all continue together enjoying this passion that unites us which is pokemon.

I wish you a very good Christmas and a good end of the year,

See you in pvp to celebrate together <3

Nickname: Hankmoody:
World: Platinum

Billy hatake

Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
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Dear Santa, my name is Carlos, I am writing this letter to my son Billy Hatake because he was ashamed of you.

He is a good boy, this year he turned 12 years old and behaved very well... (I think)

He keeps telling me how happy he is to have so many friends, and that for me is really important.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year

A big hug from someone who believes in you and the Christmas spirit

Billy Hatake

Valeu Natalina
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