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Improvement Idea

Dec 27, 2016
Hello, i have an idea for an improvement for the game, i'm not sure how busy you guys are and if this was already considered and discussed by you, but anyway, here is the idea:
- Adding Icons that show timers for Buffs/Debuffs (such as Sandy Armor, Rain Dance, Pyro Pulse, etc).
- These icons would be small and they would contain a timer to show players how long their buff/debuff/protect/etc would last.
- Hovering over the icon would show the name of the buff/debuff as well as the time left for it.
- Multiple Buffs/Debuffs applications, instead of adding loads of icons and polluting the HUD, should reset the timer instead of adding a new icon.

Again just an idea, but i think it would add some nice features into the game, especially for new players, it can be an interesting feature that other games of the same genre aren't providing.

Thanks for your time reading this Thread :)