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Fishing :c

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New member
Oct 31, 2011
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Hi, before everything, I read the thread for with the plans for future and was indeed very glad that this system was getting reworked.

I'm struggling to get from fishing 71 to 72, was only using super rod (because I assumed that with it was gonna get more exp) and realized after hours that it wasn't the best option, I noticed after checking every 1% of xp that I got that the number of successful fished pokemons was the only one that matter, and using the other rods like great and old I verified that the rate of successfully fishing a pokemon was a lot bigger for the old rod than the others:

old (~75% success) > great (~55% success) > super (~40% success), I know that this probably isnt very accurate given that I used too few samples but it gives the idea.

I don't know if the new system will still use the Fishing exp bar, but if it is going to still be used I have a few ideas that could be implemented together with the rework:

- Make the rod that you are using give more or less exp accordly, I'm sad that if I want to get more fishing levels faster I have to keep using the old rod insted of using another rod that could have a little more stronger fished pokemons to help me level my pokemons.

- Make repeatable quests that could be aquired through the Fishing guru or another NPC that would ask you to use old rod or great rod or super rod a number of times and the reward of this quest would be Fishing Exp, like "Use super rod 1000 times, reward 500 fishing exp), This would you help get some exp even when you don't successfully fish a pokemon, helping leveling easier

- Make tasks that you could do daily with a reward to double or multiply by some ammount the fishing exp that you would get for a period of hours subsequently, so that way you have a incentive to fish a little every day

- Using what I infer from the new system make a kind of bait that would give you more exp, it could be pricier than others but if someone want to invest in fishing he could level up faster

- This one I know that I'm stretching but it would be cool to have Fishing Docks in a few port cities, in a fishing dock you can select your rod and bait and it will fish automatically for you until you leave or run out of bait, making you only responsible to kill the fished pokemons and throwing pokeballs if you want to do so. This would help alleviate the stress of spaming the hotkey for the fishing rod and the mouse clicking for hours for the player.

Thanks for reading all, I don't have a cookie for you tho. :(


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2014
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Sao Paulo - Brasil
- This one I know that I'm stretching but it would be cool to have Fishing Docks in a few port cities, in a fishing dock you can select your rod and bait and it will fish automatically for you until you leave or run out of bait, making you only responsible to kill the fished pokemons and throwing pokeballs if you want to do so. This would help alleviate the stress of spaming the hotkey for the fishing rod and the mouse clicking for hours for the player.(

Not bad idea. I hate fishing cause hotkey spam/clicks.
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