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Contests on forum

I stopped drawing because there is always someone better, and usually its one person in specific, he is an artist basically, I cant compete even not being bad at drawing, If you guys give others the opportunity to win by "banning" the same player from winming every drawing contest, Maybe create a rule that If you won halloween contest 1 place, you cant Win the next drawing contest, for example xmas contest 1 place
If you win contest place 1, you cannot win another place 1 same year, you can compete for second or 3rd place but not main reward. You should make main rewards same for that contest all year and not switch rewards. I see now u can win zarude or heatran but previous draw event was shiny box which is alot worst in my opinion.

Also think of some contest ingame like sign up for a mini game or something like duel event, duel is pretty dead in pvp because it doesn't bring anything but even the championships were nice and u can make multiple if you do like pokemons max lvl 70 -100-130 and in the future 150, you can sign up to all but only win 1
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We really need more pokemon duel events, even if people don't like it, that's the essence and the plot of the cartoon, nobody wants to cook a cake or things like that since this is not a master chef program, we need DUELS to revive the essence of pokemon.
Mini events are taking too long, that's for sure. Simple solution would be creating ~5-20 event rooms, instead of event zone where one has to wait in prolongued queue to just click a lever and get 2 revives as a reward. The number of specific rooms could vary depending on the number of players contesting (for example, 5 rooms for fiery hockey, 10 GFW rooms and 20 roulette rooms). Setting up NPC in pvp that would place poeple in queue for like 15 minutes and then teleport them to their rooms when the time comes sounds great, right? The NPC could also distribute bags from different pools of 5 (like GFW always lets you choose Venu, Zard, Toise and some other random 2, another event gives a different 3 + 2 random and so on) and rewards could be distributed from pool of like 100 random rewards, from useful tms, to couple hundred balls, up to rarely droping some helds (just like reward boxes, but items inside bags). Not to mention PA coins should either be removed or reworked, since so far it's mostly junk taking up slots in bags and used only for battle pass.

The community events though, like Drawing/Cooking... Artistic show-offs could be fine BUT not every event, maybe once per season. I would remove cooking/cocktail and other weirdly specific nonsense. Drawing/Painting/Sculpting/Digital artwork could be one category, presented as VISUAL artwork contest, another - Lyrical/Musical, since there are more than only visual forms of art. Other event type, should be game related. House Decor is great as is, however people holding nice houses in good spots on inactive characters should be somehow controled, as someone mentioned before. Second in-game contest could be like so: RESPAWN CREATION CONTEST; if that is possible to create a new game world for participants, where they're given admin priviledges, a list of sprites and comands for "creating" ground, walls, terrain and pokemon respawns and a THEME, like "Legendary BIRD#1" or "ICY TUNDRA". Then you could ask a bunch of tutors to test the respawns in terms of playability, how unique the respawn is, what does it offer that other don't. Later, you could choose ONE that wins top reward and gets implimented in the game with chosen by tutors/devs requirements for entry (quests/catches/level), and other TWO who win 2nd and 3rd place rewards like in other events. In this setup you could have House deco every 3 months (once per season) and Respawn craft yearly, around Anniversary.

Lastly, giving people the ability to judge the Visual/Lyrical artwork ANONYMOUSLY and without the knowledge about creators could make it seemingly fair. Also, all voters with verified (by ip adresses) forum accounts should be given some "participation" award, like "Thanks for your vote, here's 100 Sport Balls for your input". That way, after scrolling and judging honestly through the contestants' work people are going to react more like "Yeah, I've seen it, no wonder they won" instead "Nah that's rigged that XYZ won again with this tr*sh piece they posted". Judging in categories of Aesthetic | Details | Technique | Uniqueness | Theme implementation on scale of 1-10 each could be dope and half-assed answer like "1/10 in all 5 categories" would be rather easy ti sift out.
Also, DUNGEON CLEAR SPEED LEADERBOARDS could be a great event, where you either reward top 3 clearers for aigned dungeon every 6 months (2 different dungeons per year; before major events, so people who leave to spend time with families on easter/xmas don't feel left out) OR giving players 2 weeks time to contest in assigned dungeon leaderboard every half a year OUTSIDE of events/rates, so people have something to do in between events (number of players after rates/events surely plummets). One contest could be happening on March between Valentines and Easter, the other probably around September, between Summer and Halloween.
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Coming back a bit to my previous post, just after seeing results of Christmas contests. Maybe I am stupid, so maybe someone can explain me the way of thinking, which you follow.

Winning tournaments one after one is impossible and is treated and stated as being a selfish (like Xo Dolphy mentioned), but winning THE SAME THEME CONTEST is ok with 1,5 month difference ~, huh? Why here isn't being a selfish, winning one after one? and truly it isn't nothing personal to winners! > just trying to figure it out, realy the way of how the things are going here

Don't know if u remember all rewards, but they are pretty similar sometimes to tournaments' rewards and here is forbidden to take part in few of them and winning, which clearly we can see lack of tournaments comparing to contests which are almost the same theming and most likely the same occasions.

Just wanna to mention you that tournaments are different from each other, like cars, duel, football, exp and require different skills from players, while on theming contest is all about the same, just occassion is different (ok, agree that is needed different idea and so), but still require the same from players (not trying to say that these deco minds, drawing minds are useless).

Sorry, realy, but its a bit kind of bullshit and doesn't make sense, don't you see?
Regarding competitions, one that could return is Life Threads (LT). I stopped myself due to lack of time, especially to play. But many players stopped posting because there was no longer a prize pool.
We've already had the competition as a weekly and monthly competition, but this time I'd like to suggest that we award prizes every 2 months. This way we would have 6 prizes during the year, something similar to the contest which usually has 5 (valentine's day, easter, summer/winter, halloween and christmas). We have players who make several posts, while others, only one or two, so it would be enough to post once to be competing.
By reducing the number of awards per year, better and more interesting rewards can be given. This would encourage more players to take part. One suggestion would be for the prize to be some new pokemon or shiny exclusive to this competition, and even the return of the lt box, which in my opinion could be reformulated with small prizes and given to all participants, similar to the facebook/instagram bag.

buenas, tengo una duda sobre los concursos. ¿quien elige los ganadores? ¿que criterios se siguen a la hora de elegir?
Hay a veces que creo que los concursos se hacen para dar los premios a gente elegida a dedo, solo por el nombre, y no por la participacion en el concurso.
No se si soy el unico que piensa eso.
Un saludo, y gracias
Coming back a bit to my previous post, just after seeing results of Christmas contests. Maybe I am stupid, so maybe someone can explain me the way of thinking, which you follow.

Winning tournaments one after one is impossible and is treated and stated as being a selfish (like Xo Dolphy mentioned), but winning THE SAME THEME CONTEST is ok with 1,5 month difference ~, huh? Why here isn't being a selfish, winning one after one? and truly it isn't nothing personal to winners! > just trying to figure it out, realy the way of how the things are going here

Don't know if u remember all rewards, but they are pretty similar sometimes to tournaments' rewards and here is forbidden to take part in few of them and winning, which clearly we can see lack of tournaments comparing to contests which are almost the same theming and most likely the same occasions.

Just wanna to mention you that tournaments are different from each other, like cars, duel, football, exp and require different skills from players, while on theming contest is all about the same, just occassion is different (ok, agree that is needed different idea and so), but still require the same from players (not trying to say that these deco minds, drawing minds are useless).

Sorry, realy, but its a bit kind of bullshit and doesn't make sense, don't you see?
No need to be that upset. There will be changes regarding the rules starting from the next contests etc.