An alternative idea that could PERHAPS help with motivation.. would be to place a certain type of restriction on competitions.
Do we hold annual contests such as: Valentine's Day, Easter, Season Event, Halloween and Christmas?
for example, of these six supposed annual contests, if I, Trafalgar Water Law, decides to participate in the Valentine contest, and I WIN in any place, be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.. I would be restricted from participating of any other contest (Easter, Season event, Halloween, Christmas). that happens in the year.
Considering that the prizes are great, and that we can "swipe" from one side to the other throughout the year and decide who or which we will compete with.
So glad that someone other saw this point here on forum and someone who is part of Staff members. This is exactly what I meant today on polish chat near afternoon.
It kinda be offtopic, but just don't get it why players
can't win in some tournaments one after one (when they are close to each other). It's all about players' skill, not kind of "I like it more or no", like there is on forum contests (and no, its not about hating staff decision or whatever) - its not on my mind. But when we have every 1/2 months similar contests, just the thread is changed, like Christmas, Valentines and so, the same player can win in a row amazing rewards without any restriction. We have, as Trafalgar mentioned, 5/6 forum contests every year with same system, just only appropriately for the exact "holiday", Christmas Deco/Valentine Deco/.... and the same person can win, but on tournaments which we have 1/2 during the year (or lets say 3) and they mostly are one after another (like this month), we can not win twice, whats winning part is defined by player, not any voting or whatever (not saying about Treasure Hunt where people can cooperate in different ways).
For example from Deco House contests (
Ambar here is just for example, I am not against him):
- Summer 2023 - Ambar 2nd place (17/08/23)
- Halloween 2023 - Ambar 1st place (09/11/23) - close to 3 months difference
- Christmas 2023 - Ambar 1st place (23/01/24) - 2 months ~ difference
- Valentine 2024 - Ambar 1st place (04/03/24) - 1,5 months ~ difference.
Here its ok when player wins main reward one after another, where are theme contests, but on tournament sadly no
(which are simply rarer than those contests). Some restriction could be made that is someone take 1st/2nd/3rd places from one theme contest can not win in next one. It could encourage some more players to participe in, just to showing that some other people have also chances to win, not every the same players.
Also what is kind of dissapointing on forum contests is fact that you (Staff generally) make something, announce something, players take part in and what we have in the end - nothing. Still have in mind Hall of Fame 2021 - some people realy spent time to give the best argument why they chosen exact player, then took part in voting and what we had? Just guess...
Also another one contest from previous/this year, like "Screen of the month" - it was quite fun, even if reward wasn't as big as on some contests/tournaments, but was nice. Sadly the last this forum event ended without any winner, even saying more - without any announcent that this kind of event is done, people lost some time (even if is couples of minutes) to make something for event and all ended with nothing.
What can be solution for forum contests aka Cooking/Drawing and so (what Karl suggested), maybe let players vote with less weight of voting than Staff ones, but just random people (maybe small awarding people who voting, but when they realy try to be fair).
Maybe is worth to try make a restriction for forum contests that if someone wins in 1, can not win twice in a row, just in another one, maybe is worth to give a shot for this and see how the things will go.