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Christmas Global mission + promotion + rates


Aug 31, 2011

Hello guys!
Today 23-12-2024 We have enabled Global Christmas Mission - It is not a main event yet!!!

The mission lasts 72 hours and starts with the very first moment somebody puts first items to Christmas Sleigh.
If server success: Everyone gets a boost: Bigger quantity of spawned pokemons from all systems (fishing, lava fishing, lead pickaxe, bug net, ice hammer)
If server success: Players who have contributed the minimum will receive personal boost: higher chances on all kind of baits. Note, that this boost will not work if server fails.

How does it work:
There's Christmas Sleigh that you can find on the northern part of Frozen Harbour. It has 5 stages. You need to fill it with some stuff to advance to next stages and to sucessfully finish the mission. Here's the list:
Stage 1:
* 30,000 yellow presents (personal: 200):
all kind of fishing methods.

Stage 2:
* 1000 purple presents (personal: 3)
finish a daily task (1 task gives 2 presents)

* 2300 green presents (personal: 20)
successful harvest gives 1 present

Stage 3:
* 6000 blue presents (personal: 50 or 100, will precise later)
7 presents per each caught ice pokemon

Stage 4:
* 20,000 Christmas Candy Cane (personal: 300)
Can be looted from ice type pokemons

Stage 5 - Final
* 2000 Box of Pokemon Toys (personal: 20)
killing 150 normal type pokemons

* 200 Box of Christmas lights (personal: 2)
finish 1 charm task (1 box per task)

You need to add everything to Christmas Sleigh

Donation Promotion & Gift

We have also enabled a donation promotion. You can get +50% more points. Everyone who donates 30 (base) points or more will receive a Lottery Ticket + Winter Mystery Box.

Box contains one of the following:

* Pokemon: Chien-Pao or Shiny Chien-Pao
* Random TM Case
* Paradox Island Ticket
* Random Held Item Box
* Random Held Item Box2

Additionally as every year, there's a command:
!gift playername
that you can use to send gift for your friends or loved ones.
price: 25 diamonds

that gives a box, which contains one of the following:
* Christmas Card (a new one)
* Pincurchin or Shiny Pincurchin
* Random Held Item Box
* Random Held Item Box 2
* Kalos Box 3
* Bug Net Box
* Fiery Bait Box
* Lead Pickaxe Box
* Ice Hammering Box
* Booster Box

You can also enjoy higher rates for:
- player's experience
- pokemon's experience
- loot
- faster shiny respawn
- catch

Main Christmas Event will appear after a global one (so after Christmas to avoid unfairness for people who have travelled to their families)

Chien-Pao / Shiny Chien-Pao

Ruination - works like Xatu's Time Fracture aka pulls pokemons and provides small heal

Pincurchin / Shiny Pincurchin

Spark Fusion - new electric type 5x5 2 hit aoe
Strage 1 personal is 250
11:07 You have completed a personal goal.
In the lottery there are pokemons with different ability:

Shiny Mr Mime / Shiny Mismagius / Shiny Frosmoth / Shiny Boltund / Shiny Big Magikarp / Shiny Cherrim / Shiny Lucario / Cloned Tentacruel / Cloned Raticate / Cloned Magneton / Cloned Jolteon / Cloned Alomomola / Cloned Dragonite / Cloned Tyranitar

(there might be like 1 more shiny that i don't remember like vanilluxe or something)

The mission lasts 72 hours and starts with the very first moment somebody puts first items to Christmas Sleigh.
If server success: Everyone gets a boost: Bigger quantity of spawned pokemons from all systems (fishing, lava fishing, lead pickaxe, bug net, ice hammer)
If server success: Players who have contributed the minimum will receive personal boost: higher chances on all kind of baits. Note, that this boost will not work if server fails.

After killing 3k normal pokémon to unlock the box of Pokemon toys, I started to wonder if we're going to make it. But if we do, how long will these bonuses last? I'm worried about work and New Year's Eve. Could you consider giving these bonuses in the form of a ticket, so that everyone can use them in their own time?