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Anniversary Event and Donation Promotion


Community Managers
Staff member
Oct 18, 2015
Hello Everyone,
The game that you all know and love is approaching it's anniversary due to that we have prepared for you a small event and donation promotion untill 05.12.2024.

Type !event to start and find 115 balloons that are spread out throughout the map. Minimum level required is 80 and you can do it on 2 characters.
Rewards from the event are:
- Outfit:

- birthday box that contains:
- Dungeon Key Box
- Random TM Case Box
- Random box 4
- Random Held Item Box 2
- 800 sport balls

- Random Booster Box (contains one of the following: Piece of Apple cake, Piece of Strawberry Cake, Piece of Blueberry Cake, Quince Cake)

Also during the event we will have donation promotion from which you will receive 50% more points.
Every, person that will donate for 30+ (base) points will receive Anniversary promotion box and Anniversary Card Box (card box will contain 15 cards including 4 rare and 2 very rare).

Anniversary promotion box contains one of the following:
- Shroodle or Shiny Shroodle
- Stonjourner or Shiny Stonjourner
- Random TM Case Box
- Random Held Item Box 2
- Lead Pickaxe Box

Lead Pickaxe Box contains:

- Lead Pickaxe
- Gold Crystal
- Copper Crystal
- Steel Tail
- Stone Gem
- Medium Stone Gem

- Small Stone Gem
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Grafaiai/Shiny Grafaiai (for now they will have portrait of grimer/muk)

Toxic Explosion - new 1 hit poison aoe

Plague Bomb - new 3 hit poison aoe that also poisons pokemons

Stonjourner/Shiny Stonjourner

Impale - new rock type stun works like imprison

Seismic Boulder - new rock type aoe that hits 2 times

Lead pickaxe works like Bug Net, Ice Hammer etc. it's cooldown is 6 seconds and can give you from 1 up to 3 pokemons without bait. You can use it on these rocks:

Without bait you can find:
Bonsly, Nosepass, Roggenrola, Boldore, Rolycoly, Carkol, Geodude, Graveler, Larvitar (small chance), Pupitar (small chance), Shieldon, Hisuian Growlithe, Rhyhorn, Aron, Lairon, Dwebble, Sandshrew, Diglett, Cubone, Phanpy, Trapinch (small chance), Hippopotas, Drilbur, Gligar, Vibrava (small chance), Sandile, Krokorok, Gible (small chance), Gabite (small chance), Numel

Gold Crystal - (allows you to find stronger pokemons instead of their pre evolutions) – Sudowoodo, Gigalith, Coalossal, Golem, Onix, Tyranitar, Lunatone, Solrock, Bastiodon, Probopass, Minior, Hisuian Arcanine, Rhydon, Magcargo, Aggron, Rhyperior, Crustle, Sandslash, Dugtrio, Marowak, Donphan, Hippowdon, Excadrill, Gliscor, Flygon, Krookodile, Steelix, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Garchomp, Camerupt

Copper Crystal - increases chance to find pokemon by 30%

Steel Tail - Gives a small chance to find 1 additional Pokemon and a very small chance to find 2 additional Pokemon.

Stone Gem - (allows you to find shiny pokemons) – Golden Sudowoodo, Shiny Gigalith, Shiny Coalosal, Shiny Hisuian Arcanine, Shiny Crustle, Shiny Excadrill, Shiny Gliscor, Shiny Flygon, Shiny Krookodile, Shiny Nidoqueen, Shiny Nidoking, Mega Tyranitar

Medium Stone Gem - (user can find only rock type pokemons)

Small Stone Gem
- (user can find only ground type pokemons)

Golden Sudowoodo (you can treat it as an shiny)

Golden Vortex - a rock type pull

Golden Dome - a new 1 hit rock aoe

Gold Slide and Falling Gold are the same as their Stone counterpart just with different look
Can't u create a thread specifically to explain this new rock breaking system? We used to have a thread to specifically explain this systems but ice hammering got lost in one of these old event threads and we can't even use search engine to find cause it doesn't work