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  1. J


    Adding good/best TM's to shitty poke it's not solution. No one wanna compare Corsola to f.e. C Kingler, just make her decent for pve
  2. J


    My suggestion for Corsola is make her more tanky. For now she's waek water/rock poke but in anime and Nintendo she's tanky af, tons of def and heals, even abi- recovery. In PA just suck aqua ring. Maybe give better abi or protect
  3. J

    Update Plans for 2022

    Nice, but srsly wanna add team quest(golden rower) U rework elemental, avg peak ~150 ppl. Don't do this, don't make dead content
  4. J

    New year's forgiveness

    - Lili Azazel - dunno when - I get deleted likely becouse I don't play more than year. No ban, no abuse. Wanna back to the game but don't wanna start from 0. Waiting to good news, have good day ;D